Thu - 19th Jan 2023

5 Reasons Why Cloud Computing is the Future of Business

Cloud computing is the future of business! Learn how it can help save money, increase efficiency, improve customer service, and access the latest technology. Read this blog post to find out more!

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Sat - 27th Feb 2021

Why Sendgrid or Mailgun?

This article explains why should you consider using email delivery platforms like mailgun or sendgrid to increase your inbox placement and in turn don’t waste money and valuable resources on email campaigns that fail to reach their targeted audience

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Sun - 4th Mar 2018

Could not convert Unicode Characters AE , Easily Solved

Sometimes you want to import something into AfterEffects , and Boom you get the error so what to do? ... Here are some very simply steps to solve this

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Mon - 11th Dec 2017

5 Most Challenging Games for Android in 2017

Get ready to get frustrated because you are going to play some really hard Android games in your device. Prepare to die, start over, and be defeated often in the most challenging games and even Hard for Android!

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Tue - 8th Aug 2017

How to Bend The Knee in 3dsMax Using Control Rigs on Biped

This can be done using just control rigs , which are basically simple objects to control your biped ... in this case the Pelvis if you have noticed , you cant move the pelvis in 3ds Max you can only move center of Mass, which moves everything and make it really hard to Animate.

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Mon - 7th Aug 2017

How To Set Up Apache Virtual Hosts on Linux

From creating site directories , granting correct permissions, adding content , turning on virtual hosts ,to setting up local hosts, Virtual Servers in a Nutshell

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Wed - 2nd Aug 2017

Insert Image field in PDF Form Using Acrobat XI

Adding Image Fields in PDF can be tricky , But with few steps ahead , this can achieved using only Adobe Acrobat XI and a simple line of JavaScript.

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Sat - 22nd Jul 2017

Best Article Submission Sites in 2017

We explain a bit about Page Rank by Google, Then we furnished you with a list of over 35 Article Submission Sites , Which by the way are great to build back links for your website.

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Wed - 3rd May 2017

Most Popular 40+ Sites for Social Bookmarking in 2017

Social Bookmarking is an brilliant way to get quality back links. Here are the top 40+ Most Popular Social Bookmarking Sites ranked by a combination of continually updated traffic statistics, The List will help you increase more power of your online content. You can get top position in search engine with the power of social bookmark.

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Fri - 24th Feb 2017

Safi Ads BETA Just got Released

Safi Ads focuses on in-text advertising with small picture yet aiming at simplify ways to reach locals through a single, relevant, tasteful ad

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Tue - 11th Oct 2016

OTA Download Instructions for Eutelsat 7B

Latest Software Update (2016/2017) for your Eutelsat Decoder ( Version 4 and above) can be achieved using your remote control ... This example is for those who use AzamTV inside Africa

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Tue - 4th Oct 2016

How to Make Confetti in After Effects Without Plugins

Creating Confetti has never been easier Inside After Effects , Just a well set up scene can work this magic without any extra 3rd Party Plugins .

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Mon - 3rd Oct 2016

Remove Index.php From URLs

Most of servers support a technique by Apache called URL rewriting, which allows you to hide the index.php portion of the URL behind the scenes pretty much easy

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Sun - 2nd Oct 2016

How to Do Squeeze Back Using Premiere

This is very easy ... you can always achieve this inside premiere following few simple steps... and a little concept of keyframes

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Mon - 26th Sep 2016

Setup your Particular

This might be very time consuming

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Mon - 26th Sep 2016

Animate with Curves

if your asking your self how do commercials have a very smooth motions while they converse the message to the audience? well think no more here is how its done

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Mon - 26th Sep 2016

Open GL Error Solved

if you get an openGL error, switch render settings to medium , if you dont know how to do this ... here is how

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Mon - 26th Sep 2016

Restore Minimize, Maximize and Close

This is a very common mistake one does without even knowing... worrying out here is a solution for this on mac simple press cmd+/ and on windows press crtl+/ it should work these keys are found on keyboard ofcorse :)

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Mon - 26th Sep 2016

Squeeze Back for TV Commercial

You can easily have this on your TV Show , be it OFFlINE or ONLINE Juts make sure you have 1080 p art to go with it... the following the measurements for this

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Thu - 14th Apr 2016

Setup your own VPS 101

Using VirtualMin , You will be able to manage Apache, Nginx, PHP, DNS, MySQL, PostgreSQL, mailboxes, FTP, SSH, SSL, Subversion/Git repositories and many more.

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