Most Popular 40+ Sites for Social Bookmarking in 2017
Published on Wed - 3rd May 2017
High PR Social Bookmarking Sites
Social bookmarking can introduce sites to others with relevant tastes, drive traffic to your site, and valuable backlinks.
Social bookmarking can be a great tool to keeping your favorite web pages organized. Here's a brief intro to social bookmarking and how you can benefit from it.
We collected the most popular social bookmarking sites in 2017 , We have tried our best to visit each site and check if they are working fine and have a page rank value.
However, a few of the sites on the list may not be working or they may not be dofollow
- LinkedIn : This has the reputation of being the most “professional” of the social media sites. With 332 million members (and two more signing up every second), 40 percent of whom check the site daily, sharing your content on the site’s publishing platform is an excellent way to get noticed and build your brand.
- : Its awesome for professionals, business and non-profits, and corporations.
- Startaid: This basic bookmarking service allows users to describe, tag and categorize sites.
- Your personal start page, with all your bookmarks, favorite social sites, and more. Cloud storage so you can access it anywhere.
- StumbleUpon: Owned by eBay, StumbleUpon is an amazing blend of social bookmarking, voting, networking, web surfing, search and blogging. Best of all, StumbleUpon can send major traffic with its userbase of around 3 million users.
- Stylehive: The Stylehive is a collection of all the best products, brands, designers and stores discovered and tagged by the Hive community
- Whitelinks: Securely store and quickly access favorite websites whenever connected to the Internet,
- Wirefan: Social bookmarking, news articles submission site.
- BibSonomy :BibSonomy is run by the Knowledge Data Engineering Group of the University of Kassel, Germany. It’s specifically designed for researchers to share bookmarks and bibliographies.
- Iloggo: A simple web-based bookmarking tool you can use for attractively displaying your favorite websites on one page.
- Kinja: Kinja is a blog guide, collecting news and commentary from some of the best sites on the web.
- Linkagogo: Favorites and Social Bookmarking Application, its unique dynamic toolbars automatically adapt themselves.
- Markaboo: MarkaBoo is a tool for saving websites, files, and notes from your browser, email or mobile phone.
- Memotoo: Lets users centralize and share your personal data.
- Murl: My URLs is a free online bookmarks manager, think of it as a bookmarks community.
- BizSugar: Similar to Reddit, but designed specifically for sharing business news and tips.
- BlogBookMark: Designed specifically for Blog hunters, claims to have the hottest news, gossip, and blog chatter from around the web. I highly suggest that mainstream bloggers bookmark their entire sites here.
- Blog Engage: Specifically for bloggers who what to share info about blogging and tech.
- Bookmarkee: Single dashboard to keep all of your bookmarks organized.
- Bookmax: You can store your bookmarks and links to your favorite sites online and access them from wherever you are.
- Buddymarks: The online personal, group and social bookmarks manager.
- citeulike: A free service to help academics to share, store, and organise the academic papers they are reading.
- delicious: THE social bookmarking site. It allows you to easily add sites you like to your personal collection of links and to categorize those sites with keywords. Not to mention that if enough people save your site in a bookmark, it will make their popular page and send a lot of traffic. Delicious is owned by Yahoo and is a MUST for your social media and bookmarking strategy.
- Design Bump: Social bookmarking site for graphic designers and photographers.
- Diigo: Social bookmarking on steroids.
- Digg: The social news site that changed the Internet, Digg is a high power authority and a listing in Digg for a site, even if it only has a couple of votes, will rank highly on Google and other search engines for certain terms. If your site is shared and voted upon on Digg, and makes the Digg homepage, you’ll get a lot of traffic and attention from other bloggers who read Digg.
- DZone: Social bookmarking for web developers and coders.
- Folkd: Folkd is a social web-service about pages, news, audios, videos, and blogs.
- Freelink: provides free pages of links that you can access anywhere at anytime.
- Flickr: Photo bookmarking site.
- Google: Allows users to save and create bookmarks in their Google toolbar that can be accessed anywhere online. Google is getting more social by the day, so take advantage of their Google bookmarks and citations, because one day they probably will have some kind of influence on external meta data considered by the Google ranking algorithm.
- Ikeepbookmarks: Popup feature allows you to add links while surfing the web
- MyBookmarks: MyBookmarks – access your bookmarks anytime, anywhere. Free productivity tool for business, student or personal use. Another popular bookmarking site.
- Myhq: Store your bookmarks in one central location. Fast, text-based, banner free!
- mySiteVote: mySiteVote is a community where you can vote your favorite site/s and view how popular a site is.
- Newsvine: The mission of Newsvine is to bring together big and little media in a way which respects established journalism.
- Pinterest: Often seen as the domain of women, ,this bookmarking site actually has a diverse user base.
- Reddit: Timely and shocking news oriented, Reddit stories are instantly voted upon and if liked by the community as a whole, can drive incredible traffic and users.
- Sitebar: A solution for people who use multiple browsers or computers and want to have their bookmarks available from anywhere without need to synchronize them
- Sitejot: Free online bookmark manager. Like every other social bookmarking site, it allows users to manage all of their bookmarks online in one convenient place.
- Slashdot : The godfather of social news, SlashDot bookmarks are still quite powerful. Keep in mind the site has a heavy slant towards Linux and Open Source issues.
- Facebook : The social network can also be used to drive traffic to your site
Do you have any suggestions for other social bookmarking sites in 2017 we missed?